Libertad island - Far Cry 6

Guerrillero using the radio in Clara's tent on Libertad island

Guerrillero using the radio in Clara's tent on Libertad island

A trail on Libertad island

A trail on Libertad island

Ruin on Libertad Island

Ruin on Libertad Island

Guerrilliero using the binoculars with tower in background on Libertad island

Guerrilliero using the binoculars with tower in background on Libertad island

Clara's camp on Libertad island

Clara's camp on Libertad island

Aerial view of Clara's camp on Libertad island

Aerial view of Clara's camp on Libertad island

Aerial view of Libertad island

Aerial view of Libertad island

Aerial view of Clara's camp on Libertad island

Aerial view of Clara's camp on Libertad island

Guerrilla lookout on the tower with Yara in that background

Guerrilla lookout on the tower with Yara in that background

Some screenshots of the work I've done on Far Cry 6 as a Senior Level artist.
This is the main part and the camp of Libertad island. The Level designer was Ted Mcllwain

June 25, 2021